The Secrets to Keywords
The keywords entered in the Business Directory listings are searchable by the main Search Engines - Google, Yahoo etc as well as the search function in the Business Directory.
The Primary objective of a business website is to attract potential buyers and convert them into paying customers. Relevant keywords allow you to fulfil this primary objective. They help you attract relevant traffic that want to buy the types of products you have to offer. The more relevant keywords that you use, the more business you will do. By effectively expanding your keyword lists, you expand the potential market for your business.
There are two fundamental ways of expanding your keyword lists:
* Long tail keywords that give you depth and allow you to dominate a particular market - so, moving from 'chocolate' to 'chocolate gifts' to 'corporate chocolate gifts'. These long tailed keywords tend to have a smaller advertiser competition, therefore you are more likely to dominate that specific niche market.
* Related keywords that allow you to broaden the range of market sectors that you can target. So, if you're selling gourmet chocolate, you may find opportunities in related keywords such as 'truffles', 'fudge' or 'luxury foods'. Related keywords can make you aware of markets that you might not have considered. So in building your online business, you need to make sure you have an effective sales process in place. Do that and you will have real benefit from expanding your keyword lists.
Getting the correct keywords
Try to avoid using general terms, unless your site has a very, very broad selection of product. The keyword "cars" might bring anyone who is looking for anything having to do with a car - that probably doesn't do you much good if you are selling radiator hoses. Use the words radiator hose sales or vehicle radiator hoses.
Stick to words and phrases that relate as specifically as possible to what you are selling, but don't stuff keywords into your site. The major search engines tend to penalise sites that enter more than twenty keywords in their keyword listing. If you have a hardware shop don't put down every product you have in the shop. Rather put down the specialist tools and service you give: eg concrete mixer hire, italian tiles, etc
In essence, think about what the customer would enter if he wanted to buy your products and services.