PHP Classifieds v. 6.18
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Setup Program

Category Admin
Lets you set up categories. You will have many choices; you can set up Yahoo-style categories, and even sort the subcategories after any fields in the database, or just limit the number of subs! You can also attach a template to a category.
Field Templates (Categories)
Lets you create a template category. After you have created this, you will find this template name in Category admin, where you can attach this template to any category or categories, one by one. You can add questions to a template by going to Field Editor for Questions, the next link below this.
Field Editor (Questions)
Here you create extra fields that will be created in the database. Each question is attached to either the Global template that always appears for ALL categories, or only to categories you have selected through the use of the link in previous section. Each question can be any html field.
General options
This is the most critical setup info stored. Email address, URL and mysql-tables are set here. It is very important to have the correct path and URL, otherwise the program will not work. Be careful, and keep an updated backup file at all times to ensure maximum uptime.
Advanced Options
From here, you edit most of how PHP Classifieds should work. Everything from how the webmaster is informed about new ads to what type of layout (rows*columns) and functionality that should be used.
Language Editor
All user- and memberside of PHP Classifieds has its language stored in two language files for each country. This is done to simplify any language-upgrades when new versions are released. You will always keep your _user.php, and can revert to _system.php if any language isn�t found in _user.php.
HTML Editor
Lets you edit all templates in PHP Classifieds. You can edit 4 custom pop-up html templates and all of the listing-templates. Your footer and header are also editable here. If you have a custom header in php, you can do include("/path/to/header.php"); in instead.
Global userfields
Lets you create more fields that a member must fill in, in order to join your site. Any fields created will also appear on ad-pages
Payment Setup
Note that you must have activated "Credits Mode" from the "Advanced Options Setup" before you will be able to use this! Several payment gateways are supported but keep in mind that you must have an agreement with each and every one of them if you want to support them all!
Credits Setup
Here you set up different credits-packages the end-user can buy. Remember to activate "Credits Mode" in "Advanced Options Setup" before you can use this.
Logo upload
Upload your own custom logo here. Note that the file logo.gif must have been set to writeable. You can also replace logo.gif manually, which will do the same thing as this upload form does.

PHP Classifieds is Copyright © Haugsdal Webtjenester (DeltaScripts) 2001-2004.