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Wedding Links
Wedding Planner

Wedding Guide

This is the time the nerves start to get frayed.  Sit down with your fiancé and go through your wedding planner.  Is everything going to plan? If you are uncertain about any of the services, contact them.  You may also want to finalise all aspects of the wedding ceremony and the reception services as well as your honeymoon arrangements.
Planning Review
Buy the champagne for the reception toasts.  You may wish to put wine on the tables and serve sherry for the guests as they enter the reception.  Keep in mind that there will be children as well as other guests that do not use alcohol, so remember to buy grape juice or arrange for a non alcoholic punch for the tables.
Guest - Acceptances
If you haven’t heard from any of your guests, then call them now and confirm that they will be at the wedding and the reception.
Catering - Menu

Discuss the final menu with the caterers and any special dietary concerns.  Give them the estimated number of guests.  Arrange a date with them for you to finalise the number of guests.

Meet the photographer and finalise where, what, when and how you would like the photographs taken.
Change of Name & Address
Get the forms ready for the change of name for ID books, bank accounts and any other accounts you hold. Write out a change of address letter and send it out to all those businesses, clubs, friends and all the other people who you have received correspondence from during the past five months.You did start a list and file it as recommended in the ‘Your New Home’ section didn’t you?
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