Vaal Triangle Info
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Provincial Consumer Affairs Offices
Address: Gauteng, Pretoria
Tel no: / 70 / 9990
Brief Description: Provincial Consumer Affairs Offices are Governmental bodies which provide consumers with protection, information and advice.  There are a number of Regional offices throughout South Africa which can advise you of your rights and also assist in disputes over contracts, quality of products or services.
National Consumer Forum
Address: Johannesburg
Tel no: / 3329
Brief Description:The National Consumer Forum is dedicated to the promotion and protection of consumer rights.
Household Consumers League
Address: Johannesburg
Tel no: 6
Brief Description: Household consumer complaints.
Consumer Service Bodies
Page (1)
Consumer Helplines
:: Advertising
:: Consumer Service Bodies
:: Banking & Loans
:: Building & Housing
:: Competition
:: Lawyers
:: Direct Marketing & Selling
:: Medical Aid
:: Motor Industry
:: Other Services
:: Post
:: Tax
:: Telephones
:: Travel & Tourism