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Towns & Cities in and around the Vaal

Vaal Triangle Info

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 Negotiations, initiated by trade unions in the area, were conducted by the Vaal Trade Union Co-coordinating Committee (VTUCC) with the local council and local business leaders to end the protests and boycott. The VTUCC indicated that the community’s refusal to pay the increased rents was not as a result of defiance, but rather of economic factors: in other words, the rents were too high for residents.
The population (2005) of the township is 250 000 residents.
Nangalembe Night Vigil massacre

In Sebokeng in 1991, unknown killers opened fire and killed more than 47 mourners at the night vigil of the funeral of a fellow comrade, Christopher Nangalembe. This incident came to be known as the Nangalembe Night Vigil massacre. The Sebokeng community decided to build a monument in honour of the victims of the Nangalembe Night Vigil massacre. The community contributed funds and built a small tombstone inscribed with the names of 47 known victims inscribed on it. The monument was built in Zone 7 where the massacre took place. The monument of Nangalembe Night Vigil massacre was unveiled by President Mandela on 21 March 1996.

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