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Herbal Links
Basil, French basil, or sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a popular, tender, annual herb, native to India and Asia. Basil is commercially grown for its green, aromatic leaves which are used fresh or dried as a flavoring.  Spicy-scented basil leaves are one of the most popular of all herbs used in cooking.  Fresh basil leaves are used in tomato sauces and pesto sauces.  Basil is also good with veal, lamb, fish, poultry, white beans, pasta, rice, tomatoes, cheese, and eggs.  It is used in vinegar and tea.
Basil, as a companion plant, is supposed to improve the growth and flavor of tomatoes.  It also helps repel flying insects.  Folklore holds that you have to curse the ground as you sow basil for it to grow well,

Holy basil, like sweet (culinary) basil, comes from India where it is revered as a sacred herb.  The Egyptians burned a mixture of basil and myrrh to appease their gods.  Sweet Basil was introduced in Europe as a seasoning for food.  The herb has very important medicinal properties - notably its ability to reduce blood sugar levels.  It also prevents peptic ulcers and other stress related conditions like hypertension, colitis and asthma.  Basil is also used to treat cold and reduce fever, congestion and joint pain.  Due to its anti-bacterial and fungicide action, basil leaves are used on itching skin, insect biting and skin affections.

Main properties of Basil: Lowers blood sugar levels, antispasmodic, analgesic, lowers blood pressure, reduces fever, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory.

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Basil - Ocimum Basilicum
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