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Herbal Links
Originally from Central Asia, garlic (Allium sativum) is now cultivated worldwide.  It has been found in Egyptian tombs and was used by Greeks and Romans. Recognized for its pungent odor and taste, garlic is a powerful home medicine for the treatment of a host of health problems.  It has been used throughout the ages to ward off disease, and has saved many lives in epidemics of infectious diseases.

It is one of the most effective anti-biotic plants available, acting on bacteria, viruses and alimentary parasites.  It counters many infections, including those of the nose, throat and chest, giving protection against colds and flu.  Garlic is known to reduce cholesterol, help circulatory disorders, such as high blood pressure, and lower blood sugar levels, making it useful in cases of late-onset diabetes.  It may also have a positive role in the prevention of coronary heart disease, thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.  It has also been suggested that it offers a degree of protection against cancer.

Main properties of garlic: Antibiotic, expectorant, diaphoretic, hypotensive, antispasmodic, expels worms.

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Garlic - Allium Sativum
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