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 Vaal Triangle Info

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Wedding Links
Wedding Planner

Wedding Guide

If you and your partner are from the same church then discuss your plans with the minister or pastor.  If you are from different religious backgrounds, then it may be wise to discuss where you wish to get married with both sets of parents.  There are a number of venues which have their own chapel.

Wedding Ceremony
Reception Venue
If you haven’t set your heart on a particular venue, get out and visit some of the places in your area.  There are some superb wedding venues in the Vaal Triangle.  Check on the facilities and prices for catering, guest rooms (if you are expecting family or special guests who may have to travel long distances to attend the wedding), and other facilities.


The venue you choose should match the theme of your wedding, the type of food that you want to provide, and your budget.  When you are selecting your venue, you need to know whether the site includes the caterer.  Many venues will insist on using their own catering facilities and their own staff and will not allow outside caterers to provide the food. 


Make sure that the venue can take the number of guests you are expecting (there is nothing worse than cramped seating) and that the DJ and the bar are well positioned.  Keep in mind that the reception venue and catering costs could have a significant effect on the final numbers of guests.


If you are planning an outdoors wedding it is important to know what facilities are available at (or near) your site.  Some venues may not have sinks or facilities for cooking or heating food.  Check that toilet facilities are close by.  And don’t forget to have an emergency plan in case of bad weather!


Once you have decided on the venue … book it!!

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