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Wedding Links
Wedding Planner

Wedding Guide

Everything is running as smooth as silk.  Yes, No? The invitations came from the printers a bit late, the solo singer has an awful cold and now the dress designer has just phoned to say she can’t make the next fitting session.

Why does it always have to happen to me!

Remember those deep breaths you took early on in your planning.  Well, take a few more and relax.  There’s still plenty of time.

Planning Review
Send Invitations

This is the time to make it official and actually send those invitations.  If you are expecting overseas visitors or visitors from far away, you probably know by now who they are.  More than likely they are sitting on tenderhooks just waiting for the invitation to arrive.

Wedding Rings
Choose your wedding rings and engravings.
Confirm floral arrangements for the church and reception with your florist.  Order the corsages and bouquets for the attendants, not forgetting the bride’s bouquet.
New Home
Try to finalise your new living arrangements and any home furnishings that you will need.  If you need to hire a removal company, set a date now.
Wedding Attire
Make arrangements for the groom’s attire.  Consider if you want the best man or fathers to be dressed in similar attire.  You may also wish for the mothers and the flower girl to be dressed in matching attire.
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