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Wedding Links
Wedding Planner

Wedding Guide


Wear in your wedding shoes to prevent sore feet on your wedding day.

Visit a beauty salon and get all unwanted hair removed.

Get a pedicure and manicure.

Make a list of everything that you need to take with you to the venue where you will get dressed and get everything ready.

Pack bags for your wedding night and honeymoon.

You should now start relaxing – get a stress release massage if necessary.


Bride and Groom:

Confirm all arrangements for the reception.

Do a rehearsal with all the attendants and the priest or minister.


The Groom:

Finalise all honeymoon arrangements and other bookings and travel arrangements.

Buy a wedding gift for the bride
If you are going to make use of your own transport on your honeymoon, take your vehicle for a service, and make sure that it is in a good condition. Don’t forget to fill up with petrol the day before the wedding.

Arrange for someone to put ribbon on your car.

Arrange for someone to take the gifts home after the reception.

Confirm you have drivers for those guests without transport.

Plan your speech.

Collect – or arrange for someone to collect - the corsages and bouquets.

Pack your suitcase for your honeymoon.

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