The whole of the Works is electrified, the power being obtained from the adjacent station of the Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Company. The Corporation employs 190 white men and 450 natives and, in addition to single quarters, owns 31 houses in which some of the married men are accommodated.

The photograph (below) shows in the foreground a 600 ton Davy Press at work.
The plant also comprises: 20 ton Siemen's Open Hearth Furnace; 10 ton Siemen's Open Hearth Furnace; 25 ton Siemen's Open Hearth Furnace; 3.5 ton Heroult Electric Furnace; 22 inch Cogging Mill; 15 inch Merchant Mill; 12 inch Merchant Rolling Mill.
Re-heating Furnaces, Gas Producers, Machine Shops, Carpenters' and Pattern Shops, and a well equipped Foundry.

The Union Steel Corporation has a contract to supply the Union Government and South African Railways for a period of sixteen years from 1912 with the whole of their requirements in products which the Corporation are able to manufacture. A large tonnage is being delivered annually to the Railways under this contract. The monthly output of the Corporation is at present over 1,000 tons of finished products, and this tonnage will be substantially increased when the new 25 ton Siemens' Open Hearth Furnace is completed.

The chief products are rails, squares, rounds, flats, angles and tees, grizzley and tube mill bars of high carbon steel, shoes and dies for stamp mills, and high grade steel castings.

Coal is obtained from the neighbouring Collieries of the Vereeniging Estates. Magnesite and Silica bricks and fireclay are supplied by the Vereeniging Brick & Tile Co. The whole of the Works is electrified, the power being obtained from the adjacent station of the Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Company.

600 ton Davy Press
 Aerial view of the works
The Union Steel Corporation
The Union Steel Corporation works (Usco) was constructed in 1912. It covers an area of 52 acres. The Nominal Capital of the company was £250,000 and the Issued Capital £184,082.

The nut and bolt works belonging to Stewart Sanders & Company, have been transferred to a site adjoining the Steel Works at Vereeniging. This Company will draw the bulk of its raw material from the Steel Works, and will be a large consumer of the various products of other local industries.

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